Interviews have always been a nerve racking experience. Everybody gets the jitters when it comes to interviews. Relax! Don’t panic. Below are the best tips to help you land your dream job.

Getting an interview call for your dream job is another step in the right direction. However, it is not the end of the road as you still need to crack that interview.

In this blog, we look at some important interview skills that can help you ace the interview and get the job. So, let us see what are the most effective interview skills!

Research the company

This is not an option! It is extremely important to gain basic information about the company for which you are interviewing. In a study, 47% of interviewers revealed that they wouldn’t offer the job to a candidate if they had little knowledge of the company.

Look up for important information about the company - vision and mission, key personnel, and recent milestones. You should also read up the latest news about the specific department or vertical for which you are interviewing.
Understanding the requirement : Read the job description carefully. It is important to understand what is expected from you and whether you fit in that given profile or not. Analysing your personal strengths and weakness alongside helps in deciding how well the job suits you and how to approach the interview.

Analyze job description

Along with researching the company?, be sure to note the key focus areas of the role you applied for. Read carefully the job description, and make a list of the points to justify how you are capable of achieving these specific duties.

In case you have past experience, mention briefly critical instances where you have contributed. Be eager and enthusiastic but not desperate.
Know the employer : Study about the company where you are appearing for the interview. Know their history, vision and objectives so that you are able to answer questions on it. Research well on their future plans so that you are able to align with your job role and how you can benefit them in the long run.

Prepare for tests

Do prepare for any written tests, activities, and/or presentations that may be mentioned in the job posting. This way, there will be no surprises during the interview and you will be mentally prepared for it.
Prepare well in advance : You must be prepared for the basic interview questions. Make a list of common interview questions - like your introduction, your hobbies, your interests, why should they hire you, etc. Practice them well before your interview and try to make them interesting!

Brush up basics

Along with an impressive personality, you also need excellent subject knowledge. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, you can expect certain tough questions. Brush up your subject fundamentals if you are a fresher. In case you have work experience, organize your thoughts about your work and present them well.
Punctuality matters : You must reach the company on time for the interview. It creates a bad impression if you are late for the interview. Try to reach 10 minutes before the call time. It is an important step towards creating a good first impression.

Dress up well : ‘Dress to impress’ is the key to create and leave a good impression. Wear crisply ironed formals, clean shoes and your hair should be neat and tied up. Be presentable but don’t be too glammed up.

Stay motivated

In case you feel the interview isn’t going as well as you hoped, don’t be sad or demotivated?. Continue to reply honestly and enthusiastically. Remember, a positive attitude can leave a good impression on the interviewer. If you appear sad or disappointed, it shows a lack of ability in handling difficult situations worsening your chances.
Always be confident : No matter how nervous you are, always look confident. Nobody will want to hire a person who is nervous during the interview, as it creates an impression of inability of the candidate to handle workplace situations.

Honesty counts : Be honest in your responses to interview questions. Lying at any point may back fire in the future. You are not supposed to know everything, so it is okay to accept it humbly. It's better than giving a wrong response and creating a wrong impression as well.

Rehearse explaining your resume

An interviewer is likely to ask you - 'Please walk me through your resume'. This is the time to elaborate on certain important accomplishments in your resume. Stick to specific examples or tasks regarding that accomplishment. It is advisable to rehearse these before the interview. This way you aren’t taking too much time at the interview itself. Formulate crisp and clear answers that get your point across.
Update your CV : Your CV is the most important document which sells you to the firm. Keep it updated by adding all your skills and experiences. You must not fake information in your resume. Your CV should not be too verbose and lengthy.

Maintain good body language

A lot of communication is indeed non-verbal. And this is critical in an interview. In fact, 33% of employers figure out within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone.

Slouching in your seat, sitting in a laidback position or being fidgety can go against you. Instead, sit upright and keep a smile on your face.
Body language : You are noticed in every way and thus the postures and body language have a significant weightage during interviews. Do not slouch. Sit straight and make eye contacts during conversations. Make it a two way conversation by asking questions and clarifying your doubts (if you have any).

Ask the right questions

The interviewer may ask you if you have any questions. Here, do not hesitate to bring up whatever concerns you. However, ask only relevant questions. These can be about attributes of the specific job and the department. Any random questions can be dealt with later.
Get their opinion : As the interview is about to close, ask the interviewer about how it went and what are the chances of being selected. But do not overdo it. Asking for feedback gives a positive impression of the candidate’s keenness towards the job.